Our company,Asiasoft, indeed pull off as the giant of the online game industry. With gigantic props and events stage laid out, situating in the biggest space for the event and the centre of all attraction. Finally, Candy is reaping up fruits of her labour for nightless planning. I believed now she will be feeling that "shiok" too. May be I should even tell her that Sherman and Asiasoft's Malaysia Marketing have been giving tremendous credits to the event team for the event's success and are happily smilling when they are in the office. Our paper bags designed by Kelly too is another hotcakes at the events, well, despite of age, I see children holding the bags with balloon moaster to kiasu aunties uncles who hold one bag with lots of more bags inside. No wonder our papers bag is running to shortage soon only on the second day of the event and order need to be given to ration it away at 200 quantity per hour. May be the papers bag too had become a premium?
Even our sound system which according to Candy, are Supreme Pro system catered for concerts , got some comments too, although its heated one, from EA games who claims that our "Loud" sound has affected them greatly. But who do they think they are to boss around. Serve them right for not planning a loud sound for the GCA. hehe ^^