Recently, Combat Arms has captivated my heart as well as a couple of my beloved colleagues. It has became a game that we MUST PLAY after working hours and I want to share with you guys the reason WHY ?
To begin, Combat Arms is a Free to Play online FPS [ first person shooting] game, operated by Nexon America. It was published this year and it offers an unique gaming system, where players can level up their rank as they played the game long enough, pretty uncommon in FPS game. Good news for new players, you don't need to be Super Pro inorder to enjoy some first blood in this game. The weapons given to you on default has above average power, which means you probably won't become a easy target board, powerless against the pro with better armor and equipments.

Enjoy the cool art work as you load up your game.

At the end of each game, you will be awarded with GP (In game currency). When you earned enough GP, you may visit the weapon shop to purchase some new weapons. Hopefully, with stronger firepower and reducing of firing sound with supressor, your odds of surviving the game longer would be higher.

Look at the Rank beside the IGN (In game Nick). In the begining, you are a recruit, to be bullied by everyone higher rank than you (no choice abt this, same as Army). Then subsequently get promoted to Lance corporal, corporal, sergeant, second segeant, first segeant, master segeant, Worrent officer. With each rank progression, you get a huge amount of GP and new items available for you to purchase.

Junk Flea - Here's is the most popular killing ground in combat arms. A relatively small map and games progress quickly, meaning you can rack your experience quick and enjoy the fun of killing.

See the red circle, It show that I was shot while taking this screenshot (Can't you guys have mercy on a guy with camera)

Aiming for the headshot ^ ^

Snow valley - Huge map, lots of hiding places. Snow valley is really Snipers' playground. (there are really alot of snipers in this place) Thus, if you decided to play here, make sure you have racked up enough experience to tackle those sneaky snipers. Getting a Good sniper rifle is a MUST.

NEW KILLING GROUND - Brush Wood. This is the latest Map which was updated on 11 Sept 2008.
Two Tower - Another Favourite Playground for the sniper. Look at the potential to hide yourself for a sneaky kill in this place in the screenshot below.

Cold Seed - Medium Size battle ground.

That's about it on this game,More maps to be continued...
If you are interested so far, do join me in the game. You need to register an free account with Nexon at
http://combatarms.nexon.net/Intro.aspx though.
But who cares about this little hassle in exchange for the ultimate FPS experiences.
Disclaimer ! Nexon is not my company and I am not working for Nexon.
I'm just a player, customer who feel that this is a great game that I should share the fun with everyone out there. Ladies and guys, Join the Fun ^ ^