When one thought about board games, many would consider it kiddish as they easily recall playing it during ONLY childhood times. Not anymore, as more and more people patronize local boardgame cafe like Settler's Cafe and make it their favorite hotspot to meet up with friends. It is particulary popular among the teenagers who are still schooling as these sorts of hang out places allow them to wear their school uniform in it. Parents and teachers will be more likely to give their thumb up for their kids to visit these places too since it all seem Healthy to bond with your friends in a fun and mind-challenging game.
Indeed, playing board game has become one of the most fashionable thing to do in town nowadays.
On last friday, Me and my fellow colleagues reserved 2 tables at Settler's cafe too. My initial plan was to play saboteur, Settlers and Citadel with them as I have played before and find that it was mind challenging and more suitable for working adults like us. However, guessed my colleagues all "Don't want to use their Brain" after a tiring day of work, discussion and stares on monitors for long period of time. Moreover, our hungry stamoch are groaning and sending signals to our brain that we need foods instead of thinking.
While waiting for our food, we played a quick game like heart attack where each players call and trade cards on hands until he/she get a flush of similar shape. He/she will get the change to smack onto the hands pilled high up by other user with a cute hammer. The unfortunate soul who escape slowest from the winner's hammar smack will feel the pain. The game ended quick and our foods has arrive by this time.
We all ordered Fish and Chips except our fickle queen; Kelly who can't decide between Fish and Chips and sausage. In the end, She ordered Chicken Cutlet. LoL ^ ^
Next game we play is Jinga; the wooden block games that is pilled up and players are supposed to pulled out a piece of the wooden block during his turn, the person who collapse the overall architech loses and do a forfeit (drink chilli sauce or call someone in our office of the opposite sex and tell him/her "I Love you." Unfortunately, I suggested the forfeit for the loser and ended up doing it as well > <" (guessed Lian Choon would be like "What the hell" when she recieved my call). It was Fun, lots of photograph, laughter and satisfaction when I manage to pull out some difficult block and put the next person in jeopardy of collapsing the Jinga Block.
Gemblo was our last game. You played it by starting the game on one corner of a octangant shape platform and put one of your many funny shaped, crystals onto it during your turn. You are suppose to expand your "terriory" and leave ample space for yourself to clear all the shapes of crystals that you possess. The one clear his shapes of crystal or end up withe the least numbers win the game.
A glass of nice ice creams end the day well and sweet.
Alvin's blurness of leaving his bags as he left provide some final laughter before we are really about to go back home, take our shower and rest the day.
I had great time and I love all my colleagues.