It was a meanful day for me and my family despite the fact that the day did not start well with a heavy downpour in the morning and traffic jam on the highway. To me, I am telling a story that "I can graduate too" from the past records that I'm not really accademically inclined. To My Mom, it is what she is waiting for since my upbring I guess.
<--- look at the Smile on her face ^ ^,I bet this is the most wonderful thing I have done for her in this whole year. It was an routine process for the ceremony, we were expose to a series of video advertisment out of the large projector TV that tries to physco us into believing that NUS is SUCH a Nice school. Of course, people like us who have been through the course believes otherwise. Let's hope the parent won't be so naive too> <". The ceremony goes smoothly and we waited quite long *yawning* before we get to go up to the stage, shake the prof hands and recieve our scroll.
My mom who is suppose to take pictures of me on stage din't manage to capture them. Appearingly, a "kind" indian tries to help her out when he saw my mom helpless looks. This guy really messed up the setting for which I have set in previously. *Next time a kind indian who tries to save your day; Be CAREFUL !
<-- See the image taken by the smart indian guy, cant see a thing.
I admit it was my mistake, I should have probably get some friends to help out with the photography. Then again, the misery school only issues of 2 invitation tickets which I cant really ask more people to come (can someone please justify why are we paying them so much money for their courses for).
The ceremony officially ended with hundreds of balloons release from the ceiling and soon, I witness the examples of the very KIASU singaporean who dashes out of the hall to Q up for the free catering food that has been earier prepared. Sadly speaking, I sat at the first few rows, so by the time I got out, I was left with the choice of eating bee hoon. (all other nice foods has been grabbed, wonderful... Im a hungry graduate.)
Like my friends, now its the time to go around finding friends and lecturers you know to take pictures before you finally says good bye to the school. I manage to took one picture with Hong Junyang ( the project superstars runner up, amusingly, no one seems to bother with him except me, think Im the kind soul of the day who help by feeding his wounded ego abit )
<-- This is the look of me in the graduation robe. I even shave to achieve a clean nice boy look since my mom wanted it. (This is really the day I wanted to dedicate to her than myself, so I do as according she please.)
<-- Junyang; The project superstars runnerup
< -- Jason and his gf who flew from Hongkong to visit his graduation ceremony.
<-- Me and 4 Mei Nu
(Li Hui, Chamane and ... ??? (forgotten, hope she dun see this blog)
Enough of the fun, gotta be back to working on Monday again > <"
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