LichKing Standing Strong at GameHaven's Gate, as if roaring out again "You Shall be King" [what lichking yelled in the promotional cinematic video]

This is GameHaven! Looks Big [but please look closer, there's an area being reflected by mirror, so its actually not as big as it seems]

The LichKing Boxsets arrived finally. I bet the person pushing is yelling this in his heart: "idiot, only know how to show eye power, come help la"

The first person in the queue, sleeping over since the day before and is enjoying himself in his own dreamland. Waiting for the fateful time where he was destined to get the LichKing Collector's boxset due to his effort.

Yet another gamer proved how devoted he can when it comes to WOW [world of warcraft].

As the Launch time draw closer, Gamers who came late and were surprised to see the lengthy queue tried the alternatives; calling friends who are in the queue or establishing friendship to get stranger to help redemn their boxset. Well, Is our singapore WOW gamers really that kind. Let's see.

1 comment:
My game launch brings all the fanbois to the yard,
And their like
It's better than yours,
Damn right it's better than yours,
I can teach you,
But I have to charge....XD
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