Day 5
My journey start late that day since I woke up late in the afternoon. My initial plan is to head to jiu fen early and make it in time to Dan Shui in the afternoon. then go to Wu Fen Pu to do some last minute shopping in the evening.
In the end, I only get to Jiu Fen and Wu fen Pu after that since I woke up late and the train and bus took longer time than I expected to reach Jiu Fen.
However, this trip is probably my most memorable trip throughout my Taiwan tour.
Not only did I got to see great scenery and nice buildings, I also made some new friends along the way (while asking for directions) who brought me to nice foods. We had a game of dodgeball with the strongest dodgeball team (primary school) in Taipei too. Sidenote : Our team which consisted of guys and girls in the upper secondary, including me, was completely wiped out.
When the game ended, it's just about time to view the beautiful sunset.
Took a few pic of the sunset, then we are heading to the nearest bus stop to bring us back to the railway station. Along the ways, I also brought some tai yang bing to bring back Singapore for my colleagues.
During the train journey back, my new friends taught me a casual game, similar to what we played when we are kids in Singapore. The rule of the game is you sing to a melody and when the melody ended, put out your fingers, your finger may range between 1-5 and then someone need to total up the number of fingers and start to count the person in either clockwise or anti clockwise direction. It happened that I was being pointed to once and I need to be punished for that. My punishment: to do a dance with another girl in our group on the train. The public eyes would make you feel alittle embarassed. But who cares, it's in the foreign land, not like anyone know me here. hehe I just need to get over with it quick and put it over my mind after that will do.
Very soon, I reached my train station and need to get down before my newly made friends. Time really flies and I already begining to miss them and can't bear to get off the train... but still, I have to get down.
No time to think more into it and I channeled whichever sad feelings into shopping mode at Wu Fen Pu.
The day ended with some bargain I got from there. =)

This is my lunch; an instant curry chicken cutlet set with red tea. It's tasty.
Cost 65 NT for the curry chicken set and 10 NT for the drink.

These olden days architecture are really beautiful to me.

while inside the sourvenirs shop, phototaking is prohibited. But I still managed to sneak out a few shots with my camera.

Jiu Fen Special Beef Ball. The meat is okay but the jelly like ingredient taste weird to me. It's not a bad dish though. Cost 40NT

Another Jiu Fen's delicacy. Its taste is abit sweet, not my kind of food. Cost 35NT
This is nostagic. Remind me the good old days when I will buy one of these and keep blowing up bubbles. Burst them after that.
Now you don't see this kind of bottled coke in Singapore. But it's pretty common to see them in southeast asia. Usually you need to drink on the spot and return them the bottle. They will tell you its for recycling purposes, but its more like they can earn back a few bucks from the old bottles.

We climbed up to the top of Jiu Fen Old Street and discover this really nice dessert stall.

The taste of it is heavenly. It's cold and refreshing with every scoop into the mouth.
You just feel that it's never enough and wanted more of it.

See the lovely smile on them while they savour the delicious dessert.
No one is really complaining.

Looking far, I am missing my friends in Singapore.
These kids is formidable. We are being trashed like tofu as they canon their ball on us, almost one hit one kill.

Catching a glimsp of the sunset before we leave. You hardly see scenery like this in Singapore.

Heading home, we are on our way to the bus stop to make it to the nearest train station.

This is the train "Bian Dang". It looks normal but taste great. Selling at 50NT (~2.5SGD)