Wednesday, March 26, 2008

第四日- 购物了2 之再战西门町,逛士林夜市。


This morning, I am having dumping and carrotcake for my breadfast. The dumpling taste like the Ding Tai Feng one, which has soup inside them. Yummy * hungry*. Very quickly I finish one box already. Now, full of energy, I am ready to storm down Xi Men Ding Once more to explore deeper in Ximending.

This time at Ximending, din't buy anything and discovered anything more special than what I found the day before. In the afternoon, decided to treat myself something nice. Brought my mom to this restaurant called Tamago.

Their goodies is similar to Thailand Pattaya Rice (Egg wrapped Fried Rice). There are alot of dishes are made together with eggs. I would say the food here is nice and deserve a 4 stars out of Five. Took a few photo of it and went back to walk walk Xi Men Ding again.

I went to the famous "Shi Lin" night market. Yes, it's the place where the chicken cutlet is really BIG and juicy. But what not alot of people know is, there are also very good Hao Zai Jian, Smelly tofu and Mango Ice here too. When you talk about food, this has to be the number 1 place to visit. When talk abt clothes, its Wu Fen Pu.

After a few hrs of walking ard and snapping whatever I see off into my lens. It's about time to make my trip back to my hostel in Xi Men Ding. This time, I caught a glimsp of Xi Men Ding beauty in the nite time. Needless to say, it's captured into my lens without fail.