Monday, March 24, 2008

第二日 - 旗津游 与 梦时代商场 Day 2 - Ci Jin Tour and visit to Dreammall shopping centre

Day 2

I woke up early this morning so that we (my family and relatives) can catch the boat to Ci Jin [ its an island near Kaohsiung which is known to be blessed with the abundance of seafood. Of course, there are great seafood delights too ] early.

There is a whole street of stalls selling sourvenirs and roadside seafood delights.
You may find that this place is crowded even in the early morning, with all the bargaining happening in the background and countless bikers who cycle around the inland with their rented bike.

There is a nice beach over here too, crowded with bikini babes and beach hunks. Very soon, it is noon time already. I went to a seafood restaurant , geared with my chopsticks and spoon to eat some yummy seafoods with my family and relatives. After Ci Jin, our next destination is a newly built mall called "DreamMall". It's really huge, bigger and taller than our Vivocity. It even has an amusment part at the rooftop level with a huge ferry wheel which gave the mall a distinctive landmark feature.

Just to mentioned, the mall has lockers installed at every levels, which cost only about 0.50 SGD. Of course I put my heavy bag in it so that I can travel up and down the mall lightly enjoy the shopping. In the evening, we took the MRT which is still free (trial period) back to our home. For dinner, we had home cooked dumpling made by my aunt.
It's yummy too. After that, we "rot" ourselves at home to enjoy Taiwan Entertainment show which is boardcast 24 hrs and let the day ends lazily.

第二日 我很早就起床来陪同我的家人与亲戚赶搭去旗津的早船.旗津是一个著名的海鲜盛产地,当然有各种各样的海鲜美食更是不在话下。 在旗津,这里有整条街的路边摊兜售手工艺品与海鲜美食,还有一个美丽的沙滩,充满着无数的比基尼美女与海边猛男。 很快地,我们已经逛到中午时间了,所以,我们饥饿地进入一间海鲜餐厅享用美食。吃饱后, 我们就搭的士往梦时代商场开去了。 在梦时代,除了它是一个庞然巨型的建筑外,在它的顶楼还有一个游乐园.它的风火轮更是为这个商场带来了很抢眼的地标。 顺带提一下,梦时代在每一层楼都设有保险箱来让人放他们笨重的物品.一个保险箱只须0.50 SGD 我当然也将我笨重的包包放入内, 这样才能轻快的走遍整个商场享受购物的乐趣。 夜晚时分,我们搭乘捷运(MRT, 因为还是试用期,所以是免费的) 回家。我的阿姨为我们准备了她手制的美味饺子。跟着,我们呆在家中观赏台湾24小时都播放着的综艺节目,就这样让这一天游哉的渡过。

Taking the ferry from kaohsiung to Ci Jin
Bikers in the lower deck of the ferry.

The Ci Jin Habour

This is Legal in Taiwan !!! ?

Interesting T-shirt with interesting captions

BBQ sotong available on the roadside stalls. Cost ard 30 NT

If you are the "wet-market" sort of person, in Cijin, you will find that you have abundant choices on fresh seafoods.

Pearl Sausage 20NT (~SGD 1.00)

walking till the end of the mainstreet, you will see his beach. Trying hunting bikini babes and hunks over here, if your are not interested to fish the fishes but "something" else

As you can see, water is quite clear here.

BBQ corn 3 for 100NT (~SGD 5 )

Music college students holding streetperfomance to earn some extra pocket money and experiences.

Yummy, bubble tea is famous through Taiwan. you can easily find it else where too. Pearl milk tea here cost 20NT (~SGD 1) *yell* Cheap

Fried Sotong Closed up

*hungry... the BBQ seafoods make me wanna grab a bite.

I brought this to try. Tian Bu La, 20NT (~SGD 1)

Here's the food that we ate in the seafood restaurant. Fried rice here is nice. As many people says, if the fried rice of an restaurant is not nice, don't bother try other things.

The soon to be devour Prawnies * smile, Hungry*

Let me introduce you to this dish which has smiliar taste to the hokkien mee we have in Singapore.

The mini fried lobsters already in my hands. They can't run away anymore *smile*

The tender meat that hide beneath the hard lobster shell.

Oyster soup
Steamed fish
The landmark feaure of Dream Mall - The Ferry Wheel

This looks fun. Kids running inside the ball like hamster to keep the ball moving on the water. Wanted to try it if the Q is not so long.

What a lovely couple enjoying their own version of fairy tale story.

Fried Sotong balls sold here. 30NT (~SGD 1.50)

Blue Stars is like Gordano in Taipei, but its clothing material is more superior and its design is nicer.I brough 2 pieces of top from here at 599 NT on discount (SGD 30) Love their stuff.