Jiggle^^ The 4 judges (me inclusive) for the Audition's Mr Clubber and Miss Clubber compeition were happily posing with their best outfit. Credit has to be given to my boss kenneth on this shot for the way he removed reflection off our shades as well as the efforts that make the picture well lit (with 1/8 shutter speed at around 7pm indoor condition, it's really amazing that this picture doesn't turn out blur).

The contestants for the competition are really amazing people. On the extreme left, we have this guy (first runner up) who made his own costume for this event. Though he's quite a shy guy to me, but when it comes to illustrating his designs, he's loud, just as he showed us with the fashion design he did on stage. Following on his left, this girl went from a nervous contestant to emerging as the winner. Next, we have this adorable girl (first runner up) who possesses great punk dress sense which resemble Audition In-game characters. Last, we have this Mr Clubber (Winner) who has managed to attracts lots of votes from the audiences.

Our Asiasoft Family - Cheers
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