Saturday, June 14, 2008

The "NEW" Incredible hulk

While I'm still recovering from my fever which got me to sleep through the whole friday, Mei mei brought news to me on sat morning to inform me that she has gotten a pair of extra tickets for this block buster. I immediately travelled down to GV marina with Noel to catch the movie, even on a 2 hour notice to get me dressed up and out of my house.

Turns out, this movie is indeed one that is worthy of my precious saturday time.
To be frank, I went into the cinema with only moderate expectation as the trailer din't impress me much. Worse, I think the trailer showed me a crazy, brainess creatures wracking havoc with his brutal strength without clear purposes, don't even mentioned I expect decent plot for this movie.

I feared it will turn out to be like the horrendous first movie of "The Incredible Hulk" directed by director Lee Ang.

Luckily, unlike its predecessor, this "New" Incredible Hulk has great supense sustained throughout the film and according to Noel, he said that this movie "seems to make his heart stops" at alot of scene. I share the same opinion.

A summary of this movie, this film is all about the US military chasing after Bruce Banner (Hulk Starred Edward Norton), an escape of the US Super soldier experiment. The US military hopes to recover Hulk as the experiments subjects and in the process, created another Hulk-like monster which eventually turns to be more desctrutive and uncontroller than Hulk. Eventually the Us military require Hulk's power to save the day.

Perhaps what make this movie GREAT is the existence of a TRUE GREAT VILLIAN that legitimates the righteousness of the hero. This makes the hero meaningful and we therefore want to see more of his action as he kicks the villian's ass. [Note: in the first Incredible Hulk movie , the most powerful enemies I recalled are only mutated dogs and perhaps some heavily armed tanks and aircrafts. The hero's overpowering strength, combined lousy enemies, only weakened the plot of the movie and flop it.

On personal preference, I would say that the Iron Man is still the coolest superhero film of this year, but this "New" Incredible Hulk movies still deserves a 4/5 stars from me and worth every dollars you spent to catch a glimpse of the impressive computer graphics (CG) that really WOW.