Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Love is such a beautiful thing and it's great to experience it again.

Yeah, I know the title to this blog is captivating, but I am actually referring to something else from what you are picturing in your mind now, a different kind of love but yet, deliver so much pleasure to me. It is no other than the movie titled "The holiday"

It never really occurs to me that today will end up so sweetly, when in the days, there are only piles of work to be rushed and finished until I feel that I am swiftign through with it, until at the moment that I am trying to clear so fast, so furious, that I forgot to save my works and power tripped. Gone, my works for the past hr. Sucks! but still, I had a great day over all, just from watch "The holiday" from watching Cameron Diaz appearing so gorgeous and adorable on the 1080x800 pixel wide screen.
Today, I discovered the toxic combination of fine theme music, good plots and nice actor and actresses really kill a person sweetly and gently, leaving you craving for more. This discovery came from the movie "The holiday" from Cameron Diaz; Lead female actress, from Jude Law, lead male Actress who screened in another of my favourite movie in all time; "The Enemies at the Gates"

I wonder is it a conincidence or what, these days, movie with the name "Holiday" seems realli great, the last one with "The last holiday" was wonderful. it a different feeling, stired some thoughts over myselves and that is what I mean a good movie should be, to be able to encourge you to probe deeper into yourself and realise what you really one, who you really are, how you really want to live your live. That's how we grow I presume.

Music is magical and if you haven watch this movie yet, Watch it ! You never regret it but only feel the same magic that happened on me.
You'll understand what I mean soon.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Board Game with Friends is the Latest In-thing Nowadays

When one thought about board games, many would consider it kiddish as they easily recall playing it during ONLY childhood times. Not anymore, as more and more people patronize local boardgame cafe like Settler's Cafe and make it their favorite hotspot to meet up with friends. It is particulary popular among the teenagers who are still schooling as these sorts of hang out places allow them to wear their school uniform in it. Parents and teachers will be more likely to give their thumb up for their kids to visit these places too since it all seem Healthy to bond with your friends in a fun and mind-challenging game.
Indeed, playing board game has become one of the most fashionable thing to do in town nowadays.

On last friday, Me and my fellow colleagues reserved 2 tables at Settler's cafe too. My initial plan was to play saboteur, Settlers and Citadel with them as I have played before and find that it was mind challenging and more suitable for working adults like us. However, guessed my colleagues all "Don't want to use their Brain" after a tiring day of work, discussion and stares on monitors for long period of time. Moreover, our hungry stamoch are groaning and sending signals to our brain that we need foods instead of thinking.

While waiting for our food, we played a quick game like heart attack where each players call and trade cards on hands until he/she get a flush of similar shape. He/she will get the change to smack onto the hands pilled high up by other user with a cute hammer. The unfortunate soul who escape slowest from the winner's hammar smack will feel the pain. The game ended quick and our foods has arrive by this time.

We all ordered Fish and Chips except our fickle queen; Kelly who can't decide between Fish and Chips and sausage. In the end, She ordered Chicken Cutlet. LoL ^ ^

Next game we play is Jinga; the wooden block games that is pilled up and players are supposed to pulled out a piece of the wooden block during his turn, the person who collapse the overall architech loses and do a forfeit (drink chilli sauce or call someone in our office of the opposite sex and tell him/her "I Love you." Unfortunately, I suggested the forfeit for the loser and ended up doing it as well > <" (guessed Lian Choon would be like "What the hell" when she recieved my call). It was Fun, lots of photograph, laughter and satisfaction when I manage to pull out some difficult block and put the next person in jeopardy of collapsing the Jinga Block.

Gemblo was our last game. You played it by starting the game on one corner of a octangant shape platform and put one of your many funny shaped, crystals onto it during your turn. You are suppose to expand your "terriory" and leave ample space for yourself to clear all the shapes of crystals that you possess. The one clear his shapes of crystal or end up withe the least numbers win the game.

A glass of nice ice creams end the day well and sweet.
Alvin's blurness of leaving his bags as he left provide some final laughter before we are really about to go back home, take our shower and rest the day.

I had great time and I love all my colleagues.

Sunday, August 5, 2007


与一个 中学 friend 在 MSN 谈了一会儿, 我们仿佛觉得我们的生活渐渐有重叠的现象,一样的 NO Life。每天都按着一个模式过者生活,做工 > 回家看电视 , 朋友的圈子也越来越小,变得懒惰再交新的朋友,满足于现状,有男女朋友的,周末就形式上的会面,吃饭,看电影,生活千篇一律; 悲哀!



Saturday, August 4, 2007


好累,好累,好累! 从KTV 回来后,我一路睡到下午1点才起床,但是不知到为什么还是很累。(Candy 和 Pei Pei 或许会扁我吧)
下午我和Noel下 suntec 看到 Candy 和 Pei Pei 时,还真象看到两只熊猫 hehe。Candy还好用了她的“镇”肤之宝-雪蛤,还不自于太严重。

话说会来,WCG 的排场还真不是盖的,场面的气氛十足。到处聚集了来自四海的Dota Players 来观看职业选手的对垒。相比之下,我们的Booth还真是有点小的不起眼,> <"。我知道我们有budget,但是也不应该做得如次小规模吧,真不知道公司高层是怎么想的,难道他们不知道,“输人不输阵的道理?

在会场待了近两个钟,我看到来自Vietnam的Flow 与Malaysia 的cybertime的精彩比赛,才发现原来Dota 还有这么多招数我们不知道的,若不是Candy,Bob, and Pei Pei 他们饿了想吃饭,我还真不想走哦。

不过,我的这群同士还真可以玩得极疯,每想到,一个个清纯的脸孔背后,都有一个狂野的个性。^ ^ 我还真的好就没唱K唱的这么痛快了,好开心,这几日来的烦恼好象一扫而空了,真希望 Louis and Jeff 也有来唱K,大家一起开心一下。

不过,回想一下,最近好象开心过头了,大家在公司都太High了,有时候真得很难定下心来专心做事。每当我投入地构思者我的 design 时,candy 和Jeff 那里总是有说有笑的,自制力低与好奇心强( 典型双鱼座 ) 的我每次被 "勾引" 到他们的话题中。( 真糟糕 > <") 看来,下星期我得勤练 “视而不见,听而不闻” 神功才行,不然,功作真的作不完了。